Site icon Jennie Porter

#MillennialMama Must Haves

Last week I made a pledge to sit down and write something every day. Roxanne Gay says this is a habit she started years ago, and I make it a point to take advice from brilliant female writers. It’s been well over a week now, and I still haven’t written anything…SO. Here we are. I’m starting small, and trying something new, with three of my current must haves. Don’t worry. None of these are remotely exciting, or expensive, or sponsored (although if anyone is interested, I am not too proud to accept your money).

Get Off of Your Knees

I don’t want to shock you all, but having three kids makes for a very messy home. Recently, I had an epiphany while I was cleaning up the area underneath the baby’s high chair. This is something I have to do at least 4 times a day 85 percent of the food I give her ends up thrown across the kitchen. I stopped, looked at the tall handled dustpan in my hand, and thought, “Wow. My life would be so much harder without you.” Not having to bend down every time I need to sweep something up has made daily tasks immeasurably better . Everyone deserves a joy like this. 

Oxo Upright Sweep Set

This is the exact one that I have. Mine is at least 10 years old, and is showing no signs of breaking, or slowing down. If you are a lazy cleaner like me, trust me. Make your life easier and grab one of these babies.


Anything But Basic

One month ago, on a whim in Charleston, South Carolina, I ordered my first Starbucks Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew. Little did I know I was tasting the first sweet drops of what was to be come a 2 week, passionate love affair. Towards the end of our tryst, I was driving 15 minutes each way to the only Starbucks in our area with a drive through, so I could enjoy our time together without the stress of taking the baby in and out of the car. This came to a screeching halt when I took a peek at the nutrition facts for my fluffy, creamy, caffeinated companion. Unwilling to give up totally on my love for pumpkin flavored cold brew, I decided to replace it with something a little more calorically economical. I shared this on my Instagram stories (@mrsjennieporter), but I’m reposting it here in case you too are looking for a fun fall alternative.  I won’t lie. It leaves a lot to be desired. Buy hey. We’ll always have Charleston.

-8oz. Chameleon Cold Brew (you can mix with water if you don’t like your heart racing and hands  shaking before 7am)

-2 tablespoons Califia Farms Pumpkin Spice Creamer* (I got this at Whole Foods, but I have  been told Target has it as well)

*Nutpods also has a non dairy, pumpkin spice creamer, but personally I don’t like the strong taste of coconut. The benefit of Nutpods is it does actually create foam if you use a milk frother. The Califia, not so much.

-Half a Packet of Sweet N’ Low (because I love aspartame and can’t wait to donate my body to science)



Move Over Aladdin. There’s a New Vest In Town.

My mother bought our family matching wind breaker vests from for Christmas last year. I was very salty because mine wouldn’t zip over my #postpartumboobs, so I threw it in the back of my closet and declared it the most pointless article of clothing ever created. Fast forward to Monday, when it was too warm for a jacket, but too windy for just a shirt. I dusted this little number off, zipped it right up, and began  chasing my kids around the neighborhood while they rode bikes. To my surprise, I got several compliments from people walking by, as well as a few inquiries about it on Instagram. While I hate to give my mother too much credit, I was wrong and this vest is slightly less pointless than I had originally believed. I have the Utility Vest, but this company allows you to monogram anything you could ever imagine.

Marley Lilly Utility Vest


Have a great rest of your week, and thank you for suffering through the first ever edition of #MillennialMama Must Haves!

Love Always,


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